Friday, March 28, 2008

Feeling Grateful

We are back home safe and sound. It's nice to be home and yet it's sad that home is still so far away. I've read some of my previous blog postings and I sound so pitiful, but the emotions were true then and are still very real. Although our adjustment here is getting better, the sadness of who we left behind still remains.

Now, moving along to the subject of this post. We are feeling so grateful for many things:
  • grateful for family
  • grateful for friends
  • grateful for our Heritage family
  • grateful to Grandpa for making our trip to Texas possible
  • grateful to Natalie and Robert and Grandma for being the best hosts
  • grateful for TEX-MEX! (you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...believe me!)
  • grateful for chocolate cake (from Abby who turned 2 while in Texas)
  • grateful for sleepovers (from Emily & Ben)
  • grateful for awesome weather (it's currently 28 degrees and snowing here)
  • grateful to Chelsea for watching over our house and pets
And, most of all, we are feeling grateful to the Lord who longs to give us blessings that are good and perfect. James 1:17 (NLT) states "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." We serve a God who never changes but calls us to change to be like Him, a god who freely gives us good and perfect things. We are grateful for the people He has placed in our lives that are a part of our journey to be like Him.

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