Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why, Lord?

I admit it. I am struggling. I will start by saying that I consider myself to have a strong faith. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and I believe that it is true, cover to cover. I believe every word that God says in his Word and I believe that He loves me so much that He sacrificed His own Son to be my Savior so that when he sees me, He sees His Son in me. This makes me His child and there is no other Father for me.

Now, that being said... I question, I struggle, I misunderstand. I am limited by my human understanding. I am not on the same level as God Almighty and therefore do not have the omniscience He does. I constantly remind myself of this. I do not see things as He does. I do not know His plan, I only know my desires.

I have the same questions as the next person. Why is cancer taking loved ones from families on a daily basis? Why do children get sick?

This weekend, a family in our neighborhood tragically lost their husband/father. He was out jogging and died suddenly, just about four blocks from his home. He leaves behind a wife and three children under the age of 6, with the youngest being 1. His oldest son is in my son's kindergarten class, which is how I know of this family. It is heart wrenching to say the least. And I don't get it! Why, Lord?

In times like this, I have to cling to what I do know. God is sovereign and He is above all. He is omniscient; knowing everything: the beginning, the middle, and the end. His plan is a perfect plan and only seems imperfect because of my limited understandings. He loves His children because the Bible tells me so. His plan for me is to spend eternity with Him and He provided the way when he gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Savior for my sin.

While there are many things I question and don't know, I do know the end of the story. While the rest of the story at this point is fuzzy details and many times, painful ones at that, I will cling to the end of the story, the day when there will be no more pain, no more tears, no evil, no cancer, no sudden deaths. For, in that day, I will be with Him and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever!

1 comment:

kate widner said...

Beautiful, Melissa. I am strugglng with the same question. Thanks for sharing and pointing me back to truth.